Welcome to my site!
I'm glad to see that you made it here. This is my site, and it contains all sorts of things about me. Mostly my interests and things I've made, really.
This page is going to be a work in progress for some time as I add in content to look at, but I hope for it to become a nice exhibition for all my different creative endeavours.
Things that I will very likely be including:
- Music I've been loving recently.
- A thorough compendium of all the music and writing, mostly fictional, that I've created!
- An addition to said collection with all sorts of explanations and such, alongside future plans for stories and such that I have. The latter will likely be the longest part for some time :P
About me!
I figure I might as well introduce myself here. On the most basic and boring level, I'm currently a 21 year old college student who is studying to get an IT degree. More importantly though for this site, though,
I take part in many creative hobbies, mainly music and video games, but also writing, drawing, and occasionally other things as well. I'll be the first to admit I don't have much to show for my efforts yet, but nonetheless, being able to show off what I have done, alongside just talking about things, seems like a fun idea.
I tend to veer towards the weird side of the arts, but I like to think I'm good at appreciating all sorts of things.
My favorite music includes:
So, you know, pretty nerdy stuff, really, though this hardly covers all that I listen to, just my favs. I can only hope you can forgive my love for Phish.